Перспективные сельскохозяйственные культуры Казахстана

Kurmanbaev S.K., Kadyrbekov B.T. Перспективные сельскохозяйственные культуры Казахстана. A study guide. — Almaty: IP “LP-Zhasulan”, 2019. -270 p.

The textbook outlines the biological and morphological features of promising agricultural crops that have become most widespread in the territory of Eastern Kazakhstan.

According to the results of research works of the teaching staff of the Department of Agronomy and Botany of the Semipalatinsk Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute represented by candidates of agricultural Sciences, associate professors Arkhipov V.A., Borisova A.A., Gabdulin R.G., Kazybaev S.K., as well as researchers of the Semipalatinsk Regional State Agricultural Experimental Station (Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Kurmanbaev S.K., candidates of agricultural sciences Iskakova Sh., Kadyrbekova B.T., leading researchers Keller R.G., Dzholdasova K.T. The biology and the most adapted technologies of cultivation of many crops in this region are described.

The textbook is intended for students and undergraduates of higher educational institutions of the north-east of Kazakhstan in agronomic and biological specialties.