Популяционная генетика

M.M. Yesirkepov, B.J. Kulbaeva, R.M. Abdurakhmanov, A.M. Yesirkepova / Популяционная генетика: a textbook. – Karaganda. Publishing house “AKNUR”, 2017. — 104 p.

The textbook briefly and in an accessible form covers all the main issues provided for in the curriculum of the discipline “Biology”

The textbook presents the basics of population genetics, which helps to study the diversity of nature; this knowledge is necessary to solve many problems, such as environmental pollution, nature protection, rational use of natural resources; in human society, many issues, the main of which is human health.

The textbook is illustrated with a large amount of visual material.

For students, undergraduates, doctoral students, teachers and specialists of biological and medical specialties.