Гидравлика гидроциклонов и гидроциклонных насосных установок

Abduramanov Abdumanap. Гидравлика гидроциклонов и гидроциклонных насосных установок. Monograph. (3rd edition). Karaganda: Medet Group LLP, 2020. -242 p.

The monograph presents the results of experimental and theoretical studies of the motion of a homogeneous and two-component liquid in a hydrocyclone chamber of pumping units. Differential equations of motion of solid particles in a cyclone chamber installed arbitrarily in space are compiled; the diameters of boundary grains in hydrocyclones located both on the pressure and suction lines of the pump are determined. The practical proposals of the theory in various designs of hydrocyclone installations are widely covered: in vacuum hydrocyclone pumping units for sprinkler machines, as well as in machine water intakes from open and closed water sources.

The monograph is intended for researchers, undergraduates and doctoral students (Ph.D.) and senior students of technical universities. It could be useful for all technical workers of the water sector.