Комплексный кейс. Развитие научной речи студентов специальностей «Химия», «Криминалистика»

Baitenova R. M. A comprehensive case. TКомплексный кейс. Развитие научной речи студентов специальностей «Химия», «Криминалистика». – Karaganda: Medet Group LLP, 2020. 74 p.

The comprehensive case is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the program of the discipline Russian language and includes all the necessary information on the implementation of the topics of practical classes of the course.

The complex case consists of information-illustrative, analytical-research and situational cases. The information and illustrative case contains information about the scientific style of speech and its varieties. The case studies the stylistic and genre features of the scientific style. The analytical research and situational cases present tasks and situations, the solution of which is aimed at the formation and development of scientific speech skills, logical thinking activity of students.

The comprehensive case is intended for students of national groups of specialties “Chemistry”, “Criminology”.