Русский язык для студентов специальности «Биотехнология»

Baitenova R.M., Yessimkhanova N.A. Русский язык для студентов специальности «Биотехнология». Karaganda: Medet Group LLP, 2020. – 174 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the Standard curriculum “Russian language”.

The purpose of the manual is the formation of future specialists’ communicative competence – the ability to solve real communicative tasks by linguistic means in specific speech situations of the scientific sphere, the formation of intercultural and communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the educational process at the levels of basic standard B2, LSP.

The texts presented as a unit of teaching the Russian language are organized into cognitive-linguistic-cultural complexes (CLCS) within the framework of the concept “My Homeland is Kazakhstan” (B2), My future profession (LSP).

The textbook is intended for students of national groups specializing in Biotechnology.