Подъемно – транспортные машины и механизмы: теория и практика

Temirtasov O.T., Mansurov S.M., Shayakhmetov E.Ya, Abilmazhinov E.T. Подъемно – транспортные машины и механизмы: теория и практика. A study guide. Karaganda, Medet Group LLP, 2020. – 417 p.

The textbook provides theoretical information and test tasks for the control of knowledge in the course “Lifting and transport machines”. The first chapter presents theoretical material, the second chapter is followed by test questions on topics divided into three sections according to the level of difficulty. Illustrations, drawings and kinematic diagrams of the main types of machines are given, the basics of calculation are given, and answers to all test questions are given.

The material presented in the collection will also be useful for self-preparation of students for exams, performing calculation work and course design.

This material can be used to prepare examination tasks by young specialists and prepare students for knowledge tests on the course “Lifting and transport machines” for certification of engineering specialties.