Инженерлік геология негіздері және грунттар механикасы

K. Ibragimov, K.S. Baibolov, I. Ismailov. Инженерлік геология негіздері және грунттар механикасы: Textbook.Karaganda. Medet Group LLP, 2019. – 206 p.

This textbook provides basic information about the nature of soils, physical, chemical, mechanical properties, classification and calculation parameters. The laws of soil mechanics, deformations and stresses and their change over time are given. At the same time, the strength and stability of buildings, ruins and soil are given. At the same time, the deformation and strength properties of large-crack soils are fully considered, and the purpose and task of geotechnical monitoring of constructed and constructed facilities are written. This textbook helps students to study geotechnical subjects.