Қазақстанның қазіргі заман тарихы (Кенес дәуірі 1917-1991 жж.)

Kazdarbekov B. Қазақстанның қазіргі заман тарихы (Кенес дәуірі 1917-1991 жж.):Textbook. – Karaganda, Medet Group LLP, 2019. – 254 p.

“The modern history of Kazakhstan” (Soviet period 1917-1991). The textbook is intended for the community of students and teachers studying in higher education institutions according to a standard curriculum.

We are in the 20th century. We have tried to truthfully write the history of the Kazakh people, which took place in economic, socio-political and spiritual life, full of difficulties. At the same time, we tried to look at the past objectively and respect the beliefs of the older generation.

The textbook is intended for teachers working in higher educational institutions, special and secondary schools, students, as well as for all readers interested in history.