Психология және мәдениеттану

Nurzhanbayeva Zh.O., Aidarbekova G.S., Yerkinbekova A.S. Психология және мәдениеттану: An educational and methodological guide / Nurzhanbayeva Zh.O., Aidarbekova G.S., Yerkinbekova A.S. – Almaty: JSC “AKNUR”, 2019. – 222 p.

The content of the textbook on the subject “Psychology and cultural studies” includes information about the sciences of psychology and cultural studies, the place and importance of the subject in the modern system of professional training of future specialists, methods of teaching psychology and cultural studies. researches. This educational and methodological tool can be used by students, undergraduates, doctoral students, college teachers and university teachers to master the methods of organizing and managing training in psychology and cultural studies.