Экономикалық талдау: Есептер жинағы

Bakhyt E.B., Nesipbekov E.N. Экономикалық талдау: Есептер жинағы. Bakhyt E.B., Nesipbekov E.N. — Almaty: “Medet Group” LLP, 2020. — 90 p.

The collection includes reports, test tasks and questions on the topic “Economic analysis”. The informative material coordinates the main parts of the analysis of the financial situation of the enterprise, systematizes the acquired knowledge and teaches the subject in depth. A feature of the work on this collection is the consideration of problematic practical situations in terms of content, which deepens the personal interest of students and brings them closer to independently solving everyday tasks of a specialist in the relevant field.

Savings Economics; Accounting and Auditing; Finance; Designed for students enrolled in higher professional education programs in management specialties.