Қазақтың ұлттық костюм негізіндегі қазіргі заман өнімдері

Shildebayeva L.K.Қазақтың ұлттық костюм негізіндегі қазіргі заман өнімдері. Modern clothes manufacturing based on kazakn national dress. Современнан одежда на основе казахского традиционного костюма. A study guide. “Medet Group” ZHSHS, Karaganda, 2020. – 118 p.

This manual examines the features of making modern clothes based on the Kazakh national costume by studying the history of Kazakh clothing from ancient times to the present day. It tells about the work of teachers and students of one of the higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan in this field. Textbook 5B012000 – Vocational training, 5B042104-Costume sketch, 5B072600 – Technology and design of light industry products provides theoretical and practical information for students of higher educational institutions of specialties, sketches with necessary illustrations are provided.