Автомобильдерді техникалық баптау және жөндеу

Shaktaev K.B. Автомобильдерді техникалық баптау және жөндеу. A study guide. “Medet Group” ZHSHS. Karaganda, 2020.- 210 p.

The textbook contains theoretical information, as well as about the materials used in the maintenance and operation of the car, acquaintance with their properties “Repair and technical use of automotive equipment”, study of technical and economic requirements for them, determination of their quality, and ways of using materials used in cars. Fundamentals of design and technical adjustment of technological equipment of automobile enterprises, repair and technical adjustment of various defects of cars.

It is intended for students of higher and secondary educational institutions studying in the specialties “Operation of vehicles and organization of movement and transportation of goods”, “Transport, transport equipment and technologies”.