Формирование профессиональной готовности учителей физической культуры на основе инновационных технологий

Botagariev T.A., Kubieva S.S., Khakimova Z.A. FФормирование профессиональной готовности учителей физической культуры на основе инновационных технологий (for students of higher educational institutions): an educational and methodical manual / T.A. Botagariev, S.S. Kubieva, Z.A. Khakimova — Almaty: New book, 2021,— 136 pages.

The educational and methodological manual reveals the concepts of “formation of professional readiness of future physical education teachers”, the competencies necessary for the formation of professional readiness of future physical education teachers, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of professional readiness of future physical education teachers, the main innovative technologies in the structure

professional readiness of future physical education teachers. The methods of studying the professional readiness of future physical education teachers are presented; competencies and psychological and pedagogical conditions necessary for the formation of professional readiness of future physical education teachers.

The training manual is intended for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of the specialty “physical culture and sports”.