Economy of oil and gas production: educational supply

Davilbekova Zh. Economy of oil and gas production: educational supply / Zh. Davilbekova- Almaty: New book, 2021- 164 p., Fig. 22, Table 8, Piet. 1.

In the educational supply the theoretical bases economy of oil and gas production are stated. The considerable place is given an overview of petroleum exploration, petroleum oil and gas industry, drilling and development, manpower, the fixed and circulating assets, wages. Specificity of the cost price of production, profit, profitability, planning of oil and gas extraction, refining and petro chemistiy processes manufactures is considered. The big attention is paid to price formation in the market conditions especially in the oil and gas industry and geological and geophysical exploration economics, financing and investment of projects, a geological estimation of deposits, pricing, the taxation and economic efficiency of prospecting works.