Тексты с лексико-грамматическими заданиями по развитию профессиональной речи

Baidullayeva R.S. Тексты с лексико-грамматическими заданиями по развитию профессиональной речи: A textbook. – Almaty: New book 2021 — 164 pages .

This manual is a systematic set of lexical and grammatical tasks for texts in the specialty 5B080200 -Technology of production of livestock products, contains a list of words and phrases necessary for students to master.

It is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Russian language program for non-linguistic faculties and aims to develop oral and written language skills.

The textbook is presented with didactically relevant material that contributes to the active mastery of professional Russian speech based on the assimilation of lexical and grammatical tasks.