Радиационная экология. Volume 1

Ismailova A.A., Nurbayeva N.A. Радиационная экология. Volume 1 / A.A. Ismailova, N.A. Nurbayeva.- Almaty: New book, 2021.-220 p.

The textbook “Radiation Ecology” contains the basic concepts of the physical nature of radiation, types of sources of ionizing radiation and their biological effects on living organisms, units of measurement of radiation doses, methods of registration of dosimetric and radiometric values, classification of radiation-hazardous objects, requirements for radiation safety, conducting radioecological monitoring and control of environmental objects.

This textbook is recommended for full-time and part-time students, undergraduates and PhD doctoral students in the specialty “Ecology”, the educational program “Environment” and other specialties of biological, medical and technical sciences, as well as students of postgraduate education in the field of radiobiology, specialists in the field of radiation protection and radioecological safety.