Полевая практика: подготовка, проведение, хранение материала, контроль знаний. Volume 2

Tarasovskaya N.E., Klimenko M.Yu., Zhumadilov B.Z., Kabdolov J.R. Полевая практика: подготовка, проведение, хранение материала, контроль знаний: an educational and methodological manual. Volume 2 / N.E. Tarasovskaya, M.Y. Klimenko, B.Z. Zhumadilov, J.R. Kabdolov- Almaty: New book, 2021 – 284 p.

The manual includes methodological recommendations for the collection, storage, educational and methodological use of botanical and zoological material, preliminary preparation for country and field field practices, lists of recommended individual tasks, summaries of intellectual contests and cognitive quizzes (with expected answers). A special place in the workshop is occupied by illustrated tests on systematics, ecology and practical use of regional plant species, which the authors recommend using as workbooks to control knowledge gained in field practice and in the basic university course of botany and general biological disciplines.