Electrochemical Production Technology. Plasma chemistry

Kabdulkarimova K.K. Electrochemical Production Technology. Plasma chemistry: educational manual / K.K. Kabdulkarimova, Y.A. Aubakirov- Almaty: New book, 2021.- 320 p.

The educational manual is constructed in accordance with the requirements of the credit technology program. It contains curriculum (syllabus), theoretical materials on chemical current sources, on the technology of application of chemical and electrochemical coatings, on the production of metals and metallic coatings, on installations and apparatus for electrochemical and chemical processes, on plasma-chemical reactors, on production of gaseous products. There is the analysis of plasma chemical processes and their classification.

The educational manual contains individual tasks of students self-independent work (SIW), test questions and assignment for submission of summative assessment on all the topics of the lecture course, a glossary, the tasks of students self-independent work with the teacher (SIWT) and a list of the recommended literature.

The educational manual is recommended to students of technological professions of chemical profile and may be useful to specialists, who work in area of technology of inorganical materials recycling and metallurgy.

Publishing in authorial release.