Жас ерекшелік физиологиясы және мектеп гигиенасы

Жас ерекшелік физиологиясы және мектеп гигиенасы: a textbook / B. Amantaykyzy, A.Zh. Yerdenbayev, K.O. Olzhabaev.-Almaty:New book, 2021.-176 p.

Age-related physiology studies the formation and development of body functions. It is closely related to the disciplines of general hygiene, pedagogy and psychology. School hygiene is a science that teaches the interaction of the child’s body with the external environment in order to create hygienic norms and requirements aimed at improving the functional capabilities of the body of children and adolescents, harmonious development, health protection and strengthening. Students, getting acquainted with the physiology of youth and school hygiene, forming a complex competence of the human body and personality, develop the business creativity of the future teacher, increase his cognitive activity, arouse interest in the subject, help to master a comprehensive education.