HTML тілінде WEB-бетін құру

Suleimenova B.B. HTML тілінде WEB-бетін құру: textbook,- Almaty: New book, 2021. -104 p.

This textbook is intended for the purpose of mastering the methods of building a WEB page by students of pedagogical and technical specialties of secondary and higher educational institutions. As a result of the modern rapid development of technology and technology, it has become possible to prepare a simple or complex WEB site project by mastering the methods of creating a WEB page. To do this, it is enough to create a WEB page in the HTML hypertext language. They need to know the structure of the HTML hypertext, the codes and tags that form the basis of the web page. For this reason, this guide, which is a necessary basis for students to prepare an HTML website project, provides methods for creating and modifying a web page in the HTML hypertext language.