Мұнайгаз саласындағы энергия қорларын үнемдеу технологиясы

Abdikarimov S.A. Мұнайгаз саласындағы энергия қорларын үнемдеу технологиясы: textbook /S.A. Abdikarimov,- Almaty: New book, 2021,- 172 p.

The textbook “Technology of saving energy reserves in the field of oil and gas” is devoted to methods of saving energy reserves at enterprises of the oil and gas industry, as well as topical issues of effective use of other fuel and energy and secondary resources. energy resources.

In addition, we introduce future specialists to various energy saving technologies in the oil and gas industry and ways to reduce losses of secondary energy resources (RE), as well as issues and problems of energy saving in the oil and gas industry.