Кіші (микро) және үлкен (макро) экономикалардың талдауы

Kayken Zh.B., Takhtayeva R.Sh., Dzhandybayeva Z.S. Кіші (микро) және үлкен (макро) экономикалардың талдауы.Textbook. Almaty: New book, 2021 – 108 pages.

It was discussed at the educational and Methodological Council of the Kazakh Innovative Humanitarian Law University and was recommended for publication.

The textbook is one of the first in which the main chapters of small (micro) and large (macro) economies are presented in Kazakh. In order to avoid repetitions in previously published textbooks on some economic subjects, it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the contents of some chapters. The textbook is recommended to managers, specialists in the field of economics, doctoral students, masters, teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, students of higher educational institutions, as well as the general public interested in economics.