
Bakirov J.B., Bakirov M.J. Механика: textbook / J.B. Bakirov, M.J. Bakirov. – Almaty: Almanac, 2016.-338 p.

The textbook is devoted to a systematic presentation of the basics of general technical disciplines of the mechanical cycle. The sections of statics, kinematics and fundamentals of dynamics from theoretical mechanics, questions of structural, kinematic, and force analysis of plane mechanisms and fundamentals of machine dynamics are methodically sequentially presented. The simplest types of deformation, strength theory, issues of stability of rods and calculation of strength under variable stresses, as well as the basics of calculation and design of general-purpose machine parts are considered.

The proposed textbook corresponds to the standard curriculum for the discipline “Mechanics” and is recommended for students of technical universities of non-mechanical specialties to study the courses “Mechanics”, “Theoretical and Applied Mechanics”, “Theoretical Foundations of Mechanical Engineering”, “Applied Mechanics”.