Алгоритмдер, мәліметтер құрылымы және бағдарламалау

Kim E.R., Moldakalykova B.J., Sydybayeva M.A. Алгоритмдер, мәліметтер құрылымы және бағдарламалау: textbook/ E.R. Kim, B.J. Moldakalykova, M.A. Sydybayeva. – Almaty: New book, 2021. – 108 p.

The textbook includes topics for practical work on the subject “Algorithms, data structures and programming”. Python was chosen as the programming language. The purpose of the work, the order of work and individual tasks are given. The control questions are designed to confirm the material you have completed.

This guide is intended for students of technical specialties and those who want to independently develop their Python programming skills.