Материалтану және құрылымдық материалдар технологиясы

Mashekov S.Ә. Материалтану және құрылымдық материалдар технологиясы. Textbook. – 1 part. – Almaty: Almanac, 2017. – 391 p.

The textbook provides the basics of materials science, including the relationship between the composition, structure and mechanical properties of materials, that is, the structure, structure and properties of metals and alloys, non-metallic materials, as well as information on technological methods for obtaining these materials and processing products from them. The structure of various technological methods (casting, pressure treatment and cutting, chemical, electrochemical, electrophysical and other composite processing methods) is given, information about their technological capabilities, physico-chemical bases, circuits, appropriate equipment and tools is given.