Әлемдік саясаттың жаһандануы: Халықаралық қатынастарға кіріспе

Глобализация мировой политики: Введение в международные отношения

Authors: John Bayliss, Steve Smith, Patricia Owens
ISBN-10: 0198739850
ISBN-13: 9780198739852
Language: English
Publishing house: Oxford University Press
Year: 2017
Number of pages: 648

The book, compiled under the guidance of John Bayliss, Patricia Owens and Steve Smith, contains a broad overview of global issues and key theories of world politics. The seventh edition of the book “Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations” includes several new chapters dealing with phenomena such as feminism, race, international organizations and non-governmental organizations, and introduces topics that will determine the main issues in this area in the future. The book provides an overview of world politics in the era of globalization. The theoretical principles explaining modern world politics are briefly described.

Leading experts in this field introduce the history, theory, structure and main issues of international relations.