Антропология тарихы мен теориясы

Антропология тарихы мен теориясы

Author: Alan Barnard
ISBN: 978-601-7943-16-5
Language: Kazakh
Publisher: Publishing house “Kazakh University”
Year: 2018
Number of pages: 240


The history of anthropology interpreted by Aland Barnard reveals to the reader the historical context of the great scientific debates, the genealogy of theory and the development of academic schools in anthropology. Aland Barnard’s scientific style stands out for the ease of narration, but at the same time his works provide a detailed description of complex processes. His book covers issues of historical review of scientific knowledge before the advent of anthropology; evolutionism; theory of diffusionism and cultural regions; functionalism and structural functionalism; action-oriented theory; Marxist research; structuralism and post-structuralism and currently emerging views.

The textbook is intended for students and young professionals studying the history and theory of anthropology.