

Author: Yuri Lotman
ISBN: 5-210-01488-6
Language: Russian
Publishing house: Art – St. Petersburg
Year: 2010
Number of pages: 704


Semiosphere is the seventh work by Y.M. Lotman, which explains the theory and methodology of semiotics, the structure and features of the semiosphere using specific examples. This book revealed him to the world as the founder of the Moscow-Tartu school of semiotics and the theory of universal semiotics. In his textbook, the author focuses on the types of communication required to ensure that languages do not disappear and remain in constant use. The understanding of the space of semiotics as an integral system or a single organism is considered. In addition, the signs characterizing the semiosphere, their functions, semiotic processes and the phenomenon of semiosis are explained. Explanations are given in simple language about the concepts of the internal structure and laws of the semiosphere, as well as other semiotic phenomena. Semiosphere is intended for students and teachers, cultural historians, language and literature specialists and is of interest to all cultural researchers.