

Author: Savd Eduard Uadi
ISBN-10: 0141187425
ISBN-13: 978-0141187426
Language: English, Russian
Publishing house: Penguin books
Year: 2003
Number of pages: 396

In his research paper “Orientalism”, Edward Wadi Said linked the emergence of Orientalism with the centuries-old domination of Europe in the Middle and Middle East. He criticizes the West’s one-sided and superficial approach to the perception of the Eastern world and suggests conducting a comprehensive analysis. In the introduction, the author, focusing on the closely interrelated scientific and academic, political and social, ideological characteristics of orientalism, divides it into two groups: hidden and explicit.
This book had a unique impact on liberal arts education and marked the beginning of postcolonial research. In his work, the author says that many studies on this topic do not reveal the true nature of the East, and any thought about the Eastern world is subjected to a certain filtration before being published. As proof, he cites the example of Orientalist texts by scientists from Great Britain, France and the USA. “The West needs a completely opposite world to distinguish itself from others. The West used the East for this, making efforts to form a concept that was beneficial to itself,” the author said.
This large-scale work is intended not only for students, but also for all readers who want to take a fresh look at the West and the East.