Қытай философиясының қысқаша тарихы

Қытай философиясының қысқаша тарихы

Author: Julia Fyn
ISBN: 978-601-7621-14-8
Language: Kazakh
Publisher: Almaty: OF “National Translation Bureau”
Year: 2020
Number of pages: 368


This work was born under the pen of Feng Yulian, one of the outstanding scientists of China of the XX century. The book systematically and in understandable language groups two thousand-year-old traditions and Chinese philosophy before the modern era. The work will focus on Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mo Tzu, Meng Tzu and other Chinese philosophers and philosophical schools familiar to the reader. Also, the differences and differences between Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy have not gone unnoticed.

The book is intended primarily for undergraduate students. In addition, it is very useful for the general public seeking to learn the teachings of philosophy.