Ислам философиясы: Оксфорд оқулығы

Ислам философиясы: Оксфорд оқулығы

Authors: Al-Ruaiheb Khalid, Schmidtke Sabina
ISBN: 978-601-7621-20-9
Language: Kazakh
Publisher: Almaty: OF “National Translation Bureau”
Year: 2020
Number of pages: 828


In “Islamic Philosophy: An Oxford Textbook”, compiled under the guidance of Khalid al-Ruayheb and Sabine Schmidtke, the issues of research and the contribution to the human mind of prominent representatives of Islamic philosophy of the IX-XX centuries are differentiated. The life path and views, the philosophical legacy of the first Islamic philosophers such as El Kindi, El Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, who left important works in many branches of science, are studied. The works of such postclassical thinkers as Dhawani, Mir Damad, Mullah Sadra and modern thinkers as Zaki Nazhim Mahmoud, Muhammad Iqbal are also presented. The textbook extensively analyzes the works of these and other representatives of Falsafa on the following topics: metaphysics, ontology, logic, philosophy of nature, epistemology, psychology, etc. It is worth noting that in each chapter the authors were based on the original texts.

The book is addressed to university students, undergraduates and doctoral students, teachers and all readers interested in Islamic philosophy.