Биологияны оқыту әдістемесі

Sharipkhanova A.S., Dautova Z.S. Биологияны оқыту әдістемесі: A textbook. /A.S.Sharipkhanova, Z.S.Dautova. — Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. — 252 p.

Methods of teaching biology-in accordance with the curriculum, theoretical materials on general problems of teaching methods and control test tasks for student academic performance are presented, at the end of each section there are questions of consolidation and a list of references. As an expanded version of textbooks in the Kazakh language, the textbook is a very valuable textbook for students of specialties 5b011300 «Biology» and 5b011200 «Chemistry» and undergraduates of specialty 6m011300-«Biology». The general manual is intended for students of pedagogical universities, teachers of schools, colleges and university staff.