Қоғамдық ғимараттар сәулеттік тұрпаттануы

Duisebai E. K., Duisebai E. E.

Қоғамдық ғимараттар сәулеттік тұрпаттануы. Textbook for the specialty Architecture Almaty: Lantan books LLP, 2023.-355 p.

The proposed textbook architectural typification of public buildings is intended to study the principles of development and determine the tasks of architecture of future public buildings, designing architectural types on a scientific basis. The discipline architectural typification of public buildings occupies an important place in the educational process in the field of training architects. Modern architects study the patterns of development of architecture of public buildings and the formation of new forms and explore ways to create projects based on increasing requirements for the principles of creating a new residential environment.

The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions who train specialists in architecture, specialists in architecture and specialists in the design and construction industry.